Contractions…Starting to Hurt

Last weekend (32 weeks), I had menstrual-like cramping and lower back pain. Then, most of my Braxton-Hicks contractions began to hurt a little. I’d say they were a two on a pain scale of 1-10, with ten being the most painful. Before that weekend, they hadn’t hurt at all, so this was a change. My midwife looked a bit concerned and surprised when I told her this last Monday, and I think it all made sense to both of us when she informed me that I was a centimeter dilated.

Well, every day since that appointment, the contractions I’ve had have been uncomfortable. But now there is a new “development.” I also have varying amounts of pelvic pressure during each contraction and there seems to be a center of pain, located right where I imagine my cervix is located. Thankfully, the contractions are not regular.

Yesterday (33 weeks), after having intercourse in the early morning, I started have lightning pains down there. Also, sex didn’t feel so great – at least not when he went in the normal amount and “hit.” We waited seven days before doing anything after the cervical exams I had to have at last week’s appointment so it really surprised me that it was uncomfortable. :/ Anyway, all day yesterday I felt like a walking dilator. lol Lightning pains here and there, all of my contractions (maybe 20 of them over the course of the day?) were a two or three on the pain scale, accompanied by pelvic pressure and an “opening” feeling which is JUST WHAT I FELT when I was actually at the hospital in early labor with Joshua! I remember walking the halls to see if I would dilate from a 3 to a 4 (which I did) and every contraction I had that night felt like the ones I was having yesterday. O_O

I don’t know whether to be excited or scared. I am hoping that all this will just mean a fairly easy labor (straightforward, not pain-free), once it is the right time, and not preterm labor. I can’t imagine that it’s possible to be dilated for two months, so I am guessing that I will go somewhat early, just not sure HOW early. What would I like to ideally see happen? Well, honestly I would love to have her somewhere between 36 and 37 weeks, right around late May and early June.

*exhales deeply*

We’ll see…

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Minimalist, married with three kids (plus one on the way), living in the southern U.S.A.