Middle of the Night Contractions and a Changed Appointment

I slept pretty awful again last night. I couldn’t get into a comfy position and then I started having contractions around 2am. By three, I’d had four or five painful contractions and I knew I needed to get up and get some water. I went to the bathroom first and actually had a bowel movement. ??

Stephen was already up so I went and drank my water and talked to him for a few minutes. When I got back in bed, my lower back was really achy. 😦 I’m not sure how long, but it seemed like forever for me to fall back to sleep; the last time I glanced at the clock it was 4:30.

I have an appointment with the breast specialist today. It was supposed to be yesterday but when I called to confirm the appointment (since they hadn’t called me), I found out that I was not in the system. Somehow, the appointment got cancelled or never got put in…they don’t know, but she was apologetic and scheduled me one for this morning. Anyway, now the kids have to come with me instead of staying home with Stephen, since he had returned to work today. *sigh*

I am thinking about calling the midwives to see if I should come in this afternoon to be checked since I’ve been having so much pelvic pressure, lower backache, and painful contractions. It might be a wasted trip since I’m obviously not in labor, but I think it would make me feel better knowing what’s going on. If I’m still only at 1cm then maybe I can breathe a little easier.

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Minimalist, married with three kids (plus one on the way), living in the southern U.S.A.