A Long Day

I went to both appointments yesterday with all three kids. It was a crazy, long day and we didn’t get home until a quarter to five!

The breast specialist is not at all worried about the extra tissue under my right arm. I realized that the situation might resolve itself once I lose weight after having Elizabeth, and she agreed, though she said it’s not a guarantee. I’m scheduled to go back in November but honestly, I doubt I’ll waste my time unless something has changed.

My midwife did a urine test, NST, and checked my cervix. Everything was great, and there’s been no change in dilation so I definitely feel relaxed about preterm labor and all that. It’s helpful to know that all the pains and sensations I have been feeling haven’t had an effect. I don’t want a NICU baby – I want her to come home with us after a day or two! On the other hand, I don’t want to be pregnant anymore, lol. But the first is so much more important than the second, so I truly am relieved!

We went to the park near the midwife’s office so we could have lunch after the breast appointment. The kids got to feed geese and walk around while I talked to Stephen on the phone. After seeing my midwife, we went to the park behind the library and I tried to encourage Samuel to play in the water since I had a complete change of clothes for him but he would not hear of it. 🙄 He has a thing about water at the moment. haha

Maggie drove for the second half of the trip which was nice because I was spent. When we got home, I chilled on the couch until it was time to make dinner and then basically relaxed the rest of the night. Stephen got home late, just in time to kiss Samuel goodnight at about 9:15. :/ Poor guy.

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Minimalist, married with three kids (plus one on the way), living in the southern U.S.A.